My Parents have recently moved out of my childhood home and by doing so they have discarded many years of unnecessary items. Because of this my mom told me that if there is anything that I left at their house that I wanted then I would need to come collect it. I did not think there was anything there. If there were things there then to me they were not important and I did not care if they were thrown imagine my surprise when I went to my sisters at the beginning of the week and she had a pile of my stuff that she thought I would want. As I went through journal after journal...none completed but many started I realized how much I used to do in my early teenage years. It seemed like the one day I never skipped in my journals was Friday. Most entries were from Fridays and they would always start with: Tonight I am... most of the I ams were going to youth meetings at church or going to the mall. I remember loving Fridays with everything within me because for some reason I always felt like it was a magical start to a fun weekend. This did not change as I got older. I was out constantly and that included, shopping, dinners, sleep overs, run away weekends. On weekend my friend and I literally left straight from work to head to Scranton, P.A. We got there around 8pm ate dinner slept in a hotel and headed back home the next morning. It seems a but ridiculous now when I think about what I spent on a hotel and gas and food for a trip that lasted all 20 hours but back then thats what I did. I loved being out. If I was hoem for too long it was an epic fail on my end. The weekends were mine and I took them by storm. I would say that in the past 2 years this has changed durastically. Now by the time I leave work on a Friday I am wondering what bills I need to pay ( or not pay without being cancelled), what house work needs to be done (before it goes on 2 weeks of the bathroom not being scrubbed and just being wiped down), and can I take a nap? Yeah that is what my Fridays have turned in to. This is the saddest thing that has ever happened to me. I am not even a mom yet! I shouldn't be saying that my fulfilling comes from wiping snotty noses and changing diapers because it does not and yet somehow I am not the cute, getting dresses up to gout girl anymore. It is rather depressing that now my usual attire on Fridays is my pajamas!
Tonight my husnad wanted to have the guys over for a "Call of Duty Night" and so I thought that this would be my chance to get back to the fun me. I was so wrong. Not one of my friends is avaialble to do anything...they all have kids now or at leats husbands and so yeah they are all home bound and then my besties that do not have families of their own have numerous other things going on. I was sitting at work desperately wondering what I could do to make this a fun Friday when I got a text. My little brother in law was asking me to come babysit him and his brother tonight... at this point I am holding up my white flag of surrender and asking forgiveness for trying to be that fun girl I used to be. I will go home and don my pajamas or at least my comfy clothes and then head to the in-laws for a night of baby sitting. Yay me!
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