
This morning I woke up with a case of the "Grumps." I completely blame Taco Bell. The thing is yesterday I was feeling pretty good and thinking that life was so amzing and so in all my good spirit I went to Taco Bell with my family. For me being happy gives me an appetite. I am not sure why but I think it's because when I am stressed out about something I start to feel sick and when I feel sick I do not want to eat. Then when everything is all better I feel super hungry. Since this is the way my body works then everytime that I am happy or peaceful, I eat. So I downed a supreme Nachos thing from Taco Bell. This morning I woke up feeling like I would be better off dead. So of course I vowed to never eat again...as I write this I am having lunch. Granted today's lunch is a delicious sald with tuna and a light dressing on it so its not all that harsh fast food crap but hey its food. So yeah back to me waking up and wishing all noise and light would cease and that I could hide under my covers all day long. No such luck! Mark was awake and on the move and harrassing me! Hello?? If I am not out of bed and I am not talking to you do you feel like thats an ok to bother me? It's more like a kiss me when you are leaving but do not keep talking to me thing. Then he had to go and point out that I only felt crappybecause of Taco Bell. Gee thanks next time you are sick and acting like an invalid I am going to point out that this is yor fault. Let me point out that while I am trying to breathe deeply so that I do not puke I am not saying a whole lot to him but oh boy was my brain coming up with the best one liners! The worst part is...he was not even being mean or annoying but in my state at that time it felt as though he was being the biggest jerk in the world. I was so grumpy from A. not feeling good. B. Not going to bed before midnight. C. Its gonna be "that time" soon. All of these things combined and I have been on a bit of a rampage for 2 days. So I am trying to keep quiet and move slowly to get ready for work so as not to upset anything in my body and he starts in on the laundry. Mind you not in a mean or demanding way but it was so annoying to me and I wanted to just scream "Shut up"! at him to get him to well...shut up. He is literally holding up one shirt a freaking time and inspecting it and then being like "hey can you wash this shirt today"? he did it about 3 times before I lost it. I mean really if you think about it since when do you pick and choose what to was when its laundry day. I am not retarded! If it is in the dirty laundry pile then it will eventually get washed. Common sense dictates that you do not have to go through each indiviual piece of clothing to ask for it to be washed. I have donemy chores like that and I never will. I am pretty sure that he was just making sure that I am doing laundry today so that he will have clean clothes but it seemed like nagging to me. So for the thrid time as he is holding up a shirt asking if I can was that particular shirt and waiting for a response before he puts in with the dirty clothes I snap at him "Whatever you put in the laundry is going to get washed you dont have to keep asking"! That set him off a bit. So then I tried to back track and sort of apologize but I still don't feel sorry. I felt like puking and he lityerally wanted me to point at each sock and be like yeah that puppies getting washed tonight. Now as I think back it seems almost comical but this morning I wanted to cry...or punch someone in the face. So what I really want to say is thank you Taco Bell for having disgustingly bad for you food and putting crack into it so that we keep coming back, also thank you for turning me into the grumpiest wife ever this morning! I also have a few words to that laundry pile awaiting my return home but I will keep that between me and the 3 shirts that I am defintiely washing tonight ;)

1 comment:

  1. I'm finally getting back onto the computer and reading all these blogs. Loved it!!! And, thanks for being such a good sport and spending my money at Taco Hell ;-)
